A night drenched in darkness
no moon up in the sky
not even a single firefly
the world turned grey
empty roads, scary trees
dead oceans and voiceless breeze.

A night of horror,worries and fear
long lonely way with a dead end seen clear
tweet tweet tweet 1st tweet of the night
faith is the bird that feels the joys and
sings when the dawn is still out of sight
there came the golden sunshine
colors replaced the grey
fear got replaced by the feeling at ease,
it feels so jolly so divine
empty roads turned to busy street
the flowers blooming in green
for once who were scary tree
dead oceans are filled with blue
and breeze full of dew
just make believe all what you want
universe will reply to your every thought
happiness one feel and happiness one gives
for him, happiness multiplied universe has always brought.
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