She: I love you, we will find this treasure and will live happily ever after.
He: and in this journey we shall walk together till the end of life.
They laughed, they cried, they loved, they fought, they saw the dawn and the dusk, together.
They found the treasure.
He: we found this only because of you, I do not know how do I repay you for this happiness.
She: just love me till I live.
He hugged her. He stabbed her in her back.
She looked at him in horror.
He: I walked with you till the end of your life and I loved you till you lived.
With tears in her eyes she breathed her last. She begged for life but he tore her trust apart.
He took all gold. He ruled the world and feared of no man.
UNTIL, one morning, his phone rang with a reminder of Her birthday.
He deleted the reminder and went back to his bed.
He saw a dream of the day when he had found the treasure.
He heard him say: we found this only because of you, i do not know how do i repay you for this happiness.
He felt cold breeze near his ear. He heard a whisper...
"Time to repay, Love" said a cold taut voice from the other side of his bed.
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